Staffing Opportunities

Congratulations and welcome to Hamilton-Ryker! Since 1971 we have been finding careers for individuals like you every day! We are excited to have you join our team and are committed to your success!

As a Hamilton-Ryker associate, your hard work and commitment are key to helping our clients succeed in today’s world.

When you accept an assignment with Hamilton-Ryker, you will complete the Hamilton-Ryker or Client Specific Orientation process which will include:

  • Reviewing Hamilton-Ryker’s benefits, policies and procedures.
  • Discuss Assignment at Client Location
  • Client Safety Orientation (if applicable)
  • The company’s name and location
  • Directions to the worksite
  • Start date, time and projected length of assignment
  • Work hours, lunch and break times
  • Check-in procedures, if required
  • Supervisor’s name
  • Description of what you’ll do on the job
  • Dress code, including any required safety equipment
  • Pay rate
  • An assignment order number to use for payroll purposes
  • An identification number and/or badge if required by the company

Remember, even while you’re on assignment with a client, Hamilton-Ryker is your employer. Please call your Hamilton-Ryker representative if:

  • You’re going to be late or unable to report for work
  • The work you’re asked to do is substantially different from the work described to you by your Hamilton-Ryker representative.
  • The work environment appears unsafe.
  • You’re sick or injured on the job, or feel you can’t complete a job.
  • You’re unavailable for a period of time.
  • You’ve changed your address, telephone number, e-mail address or banking relationship that would impact direct deposit.
  • You’ve learned new skills that may qualify you for more assignments or higher pay.
  • Your assignment ends. (Be sure to call us within 48 hours to let us know of your availability for your next assignment.)
  • You feel Hamilton-Ryker’s Anti-Harassment/Anti-Discrimination Policy is being violated.


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