Industrial Staffing Trends in 2020

 In Strategic Staffing and Recruiting

Industrial staffing faces a new set of challenges and trends every year. So far, 2020 has seen an unprecedented shift in needs as a result of the global pandemic that shut down a large number of industries. This had a huge effect on staffing but things are slowly normalizing. Companies are again filling positions that had to be downsized or maybe even eliminated during the shutdowns.

So how has this affected the staffing trends expected throughout the remainder of 2020? How can you prepare for your industrial staffing needs for the rest of the year?

Let’s look into the trends that started to emerge at the beginning of the year and are expected to return as our communities continue to open up.

Increased Competition

The pandemic created an economic crisis like we haven’t seen for almost a century. This has created a record number of unemployment claims and resulted in the closure of a large number of businesses. A lot of people are out of work and hungry to get back into a position of earning.

Any job openings are bound to have a lot of competition. This puts employers in a position where they will have to spend a lot more time than usual looking through their applicants. Workforce solutions can be a great help throughout this entire process for industrial staffing concerns. Let a company like Hamilton-Ryker take care of staffing concerns while you focus on rebuilding your business.

Visit Hamilton-Ryker to learn more about our industrial staffing options.

Usefulness of Temporary Labor

Economic uncertainty can make hiring very difficult. How do you know exactly what your needs are? And how can you plan for the future? Temporary labor can be a huge asset during this time. It will provide a few different benefits as you work toward getting back to normal.

Temporary labor helps you through the initial phases of reopening without the long-term obligations for full-time employment. The last thing you want to do is hire somebody only to let them go a short amount of time later. This is bad for everybody. However, if you find your needs increasing, temporary labor will give you a talented pool of employees to hire on full-time.


Industrial staffing is going to see a lot of people shifting into new positions. Even those who previously worked in the industrial sector might find themselves applying to positions that don’t correlate to their exact job experience.

This will necessitate retraining experienced workers. Their previous experience in an industrial setting will make them more suitable for working in the same environment. However, their exact skill set might not match up to the open positions. Retraining these employees will give you a workforce that is known to be suited for the environment.

Improved Recruiting Practices

Recruiting processes are always improving. We’re finding better ways to reach out to possible employees. The process can always become further streamlined to make it easier for everyone involved. This will continue to happen throughout the remainder of 2020.

Workforce development solutions can make the industrial staffing process easy for both employers and candidates. Hamilton-Ryker works with a talented pool of workers and trains them to seamlessly integrate into your workforce. Improving this process shows benefits for everyone. This is going to become even more of a necessity as 2020 progresses and labor needs return to their previous levels.

Focus on Soft Skills

Soft skills development has seen an increased importance over the last few years, and this trend will continue. We’re no longer focusing solely on training employees to perform the functions of their position. Training is also being provided on how to better fit within the general workforce. Conflict de-escalation, interpersonal skills, and more are helping a variety of industries to create a better and more productive work environment for their employees.

Hamilton-Ryker provides soft skills training to our industrial staffing candidates. Knowing how to work with your coworkers is just as important as knowing how to work with specific equipment.

Company Culture

This idea of considerations beyond the list of duties for a particular position will continue to gain importance. Company culture relates to how decisions are made, how employees interact with management as well as each other, and how the business as a whole views itself. A strong company culture improves employee retention, increases productivity, and attracts better applicants.

Expect this to be a focus throughout 2020 and into the future. People are going to want to get back to work as soon as possible. But they are also going to want to work for a company that creates a productive work environment that will be a joy to work in every day.

Contact Hamilton-Ryker today for help with industrial staffing.

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